Autumn mist

The autumn is really beautiful. Especially all the different colors on the trees and the ground. I’ve also got a weak spot for partly frozen waterfalls, but there is one more thing I discovered recently. The beauty of the autumn mist as it rises from the ground and create great separation to the elements. I …

Going back

Often when I’m out on location the conditions aren’t exactly what you wanted them to be. The images will be acceptable, but you know they can be better. So I’ll mark my locations by the help of and go back when I think the conditions will be more exciting. The sun had just settled …

A short introduction

I’ve been thinking of making a vlog for a long time now. Below you will find my first video on youtube. I hope you like it. It would make me very glad if you would like to follow my channel and comment some on my work.


I visited the southern parts of Norway recently and one of my favorites is the sea. This time I chose to do some long exposures. The weather was not that good, but the sun was trying to get through the clouds. The sea was quite calm, but there was enough waves to create the dreamy …

It’s been a long time

It’s been a long time since you’ve had an update from me. It’s been quite busy times but this morning I found the time to go out and hunt. My kind of hunting is the one done with a camera. And luckily for the deer it was me they met this morning.