Autumn mist

The autumn is really beautiful. Especially all the different colors on the trees and the ground. I’ve also got a weak spot for partly frozen waterfalls, but there is one more thing I discovered recently. The beauty of the autumn mist as it rises from the ground and create great separation to the elements.

I went out one early morning to find a good location. I did know approximately where to go, but I had not been there before. I arrived early and spotted for a location about 30 minutes. Then waited another 60 minutes for the sun to rise.

It’s all about getting the composition and then get the timing just right. I find both quite hard, but I do think I got a couple of beautiful shots. One of them I’ve added to the post below here. What do you think?

Autumn mist at Storhaugen
Autumn mist at Storhaugen
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