Going back

Often when I’m out on location the conditions aren’t exactly what you wanted them to be. The images will be acceptable, but you know they can be better. So I’ll mark my locations by the help of mymaps.google.com and go back when I think the conditions will be more exciting.

The sun had just settled behind the horizon and the sky turned into my favor. I’m very satisfied with my result.


One of my favorite areas is Trollheimen. It’s a national park just south of Trondheim. The area has everything from bare mountains to dense forest.

The area beautiful the whole year. During the winter the whole area is covered in snow and the temperatures can get as low as -20oC. The trees get a nice layer of soft snow and the uneven surfaces on the ground gets flattened out. The sun is visible only a couple of hours each day and when it is its very close to the horizon. The white snow and the low sun makes long shadows and contrasts.

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